Here's the why and the how of my two challenges:
a) Drop Weight to 169 lbs.
- I'm close to my ideal weight, but not quite there. Ultimately, I want to reach 160 and maintain at that, but I also don't want to do it too rapidly.
- Why 169 and not 170 - it just feels better! I've broken the 170 barrier and am now in the 160's. It's the equivalent of pricing a product at 4.99 instead of 5.00...
- To help my running speed.
- To reduce the chance of lower body injury.
- My fiance just bought me shorts with a 32" waist and I'm at around a 33. Not bad, considering I was 38 not so long ago...
- Vanity!
- To increase chances of living longer and healthier.
How (pretty much a repeat of my last weight loss challenge - stick with what works!):
- No food after dinner.
- No sugar drinks.
- No packaged junk food (chocolate bars, chips, etc.)
- Exercise each and every day.
- Keep water consumption at at least 64 ounces per day (I include my green tea addiction in those numbers)
- Give regular updates on this blog.
- Review the reasons 'why' given above on a daily basis.
- Continuing my vegan lifestyle.
I'm pretty confident that I will be successful in this challenge. In maintaining my weight since July 9, I have dropped as low as 172 and at no point did I feel I was starving myself.
b) Run 180 km.
- To be able to go longer, faster.
- To push myself eventually toward ultra-marathons.
- I simply love to run.
- The health benefits are too numerous to mention.
- To be a positive influence on my family.
- Make running a priority over other activities.
- Run 6 days per week.
- Put in longer, long runs.
- Stay in tune with body to ensure going injury-free.
I would like it known that these short term challenges/goals are not just randomly picked from a hat. They are meant to bring focus and accelerate my larger goals. I also do not become reckless in the pursuit of success. I know my body's needs and capabilities and I learn more about those needs and capabilities every day. And, I share my bed with a nurse who would never let me do something careless with my physical health!
Watch for updates coming soon!