Check out the movie's official website at this link. This is not an affiliate link.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Shame In Hindsight
Check out the movie's official website at this link. This is not an affiliate link.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Zoo's - People Playing God
What I saw during my six hour walk around the zoo was one huge contradiction. While watching the 'talk with the zoo keeper' at the gorilla exhibit, I was struck by the horrified reaction of a gentleman near me when we were all told that underpaid and undernourished mining workers (slaves) in Africa will kill the mighty gorilla and (Oh My God!) eat the meat to stay alive.
When I mentioned (loud enough for a few people around me to hear) that that man eats, three or more times per day, the flesh of other animals that are just as innocent are killed in cold blood, I got a hard nudge in the gut and was told to shut up (by my spouse).
Upon leaving and saying outside the exhibit that I was utterly confused about what animals it was okay to kill and what animals it was not, I was nudged again. What really confuses me is the thought that in a few weeks fat Americans (and Canadians) will jump in their nine-mile-per-gallon Cadillac Escalades and drive out into the Canadian wilderness and murder innocent deer and moose. Yes, I know they and their families must eat to survive in this cruel world... Yet, we're attacking the poor African slave who somehow cannot support his family on pennies per day.
Although everyone there loved the cute animals and everyone was a friend of nature, they had no problem packing into each and every restaurant at the zoo and chomping down on dead cow and chicken. I'd imagine if they were serving up kangaroo burgers, there'd be a line-up. Of all the items on the menu at these fine, animal-loving restaurants, there was just one 'garden burger' for us weirdos. They did not even post that the meat was locally farmed. If you don't post it then one has to wonder if it came from the very same farms in Brazil that McDonalds gets their beef from. You know - the grade z beef that comes from cows grazing where rainforest once stood?
The Canadian exhibit was kind of a farse, at best. The African, Asian and South American animals have large and luxurious homes with enough information on the signs attached to these homes to fill a book. The native Canadian animals had tiny cages with nothing but a simple label saying what they were.
And really... does the zoo need to have a raccoon exhibit when the animal can be found every 20 feet in urban and rural areas in this country? They're nocturnal anyway! You don't get to see them!
Why do humans still insist that they can play god and determine who lives and who dies? "If we didn't hunt the deer they would overpopulate". So fucking what! Mother nature will deal with that problem in her own way. It really is none of our business.
That reminds me of the Canada Goose problem in Toronto that seems to be an on-going battle. People feed food to the geese which is unnatural to their diet. The geese get fat, don't leave and do nothing but breed in their spare time. The geese overpopulate and shit all over Toronto's beautiful parks and beaches. The people who go to these parks to feed the geese demand the city do something about the overpopulation and the layer of goose shit that covers everything. Some suggest killing off the geese to please the people that are causing the overpopulation in the first place.
That's my rant. It went all over the place and may not have made any sense, but... that's my rant.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair
Here's what they have to say about the event:
Regarded as the largest event of its kind in North America, the Annual Vegetarian Food Fair gives you an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy a diverse cross-section of vegetarian cuisine. Discover new products and ideas from more than 100 exhibitors and enjoy a wide variety of presentations and cooking demos.
Not a vegetarian? Whether you're looking for new ideas to add colour and variety to your meals or you're a "seasoned" vegetarian interested in expanding your knowledge of nutritious and ethical foods, this is the place for you.
For more information, visit the website.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bottled Water - Good or Bad?
This is an interesting article on the bottled water industry. Apparently, in California, there are water restrictions on everyone but the bottled water companies. These companies are not accountable to report the amount of water they take from the ground.
I truly believe that the whole industry is a scam and should be banned or, at least regulated. They're selling nothing but snake oil. For the most part, you're getting tap water for $1.50 a bottle and each bottle you buy is as contribution to a growing pollution and garbage problem.
Not to mention, the bottle you're drinking out of may or may not cause cancer, depending on who you believe.
Anyway - Check it out.
Bottled Water Battle
Friday, August 20, 2010
Weekend Without Oil
Read more here and sign the pledge.
Weekend Without Oil
Thursday, August 19, 2010
NHL Hockey Vegan, Georges Laraque, Retires
Here's a portion of his farewell to hockey post on his blog.
Hi everyone,
Well, this day had to come eventually. It was impossible for me to predict how it would happen or even how I would feel. You always hope that it is a decision that is made on your own terms. After a long 12-year hockey career, 695 NHL games, I'm officially announcing my retirement. To a lot of you, it comes as a surprise considering that I'm only 33 years old, but here are all the reasons why I made this decision.
As you know, during my first year with the Canadiens, I developed two herniated disks on my back. It was truly the first time in my career I had to deal with an injury this serious, but, frankly, after 10 years of fighting and hitting, it's not surprising. When I got the diagnosis, I remember one doctor suggesting surgery to fuse my vertebrae in order to fix my problem. At age 31, I didn't think it was such a good idea to have doctors play with nerves on my back. So I took cortisone shots and pills and played through it. Nevertheless, I was never the same. Last year, when I was released by the team in January, I got a chance to heal up and was determined to come back in the NHL or even to play in Europe, but two major events made me do otherwise. First, I met my buddy Nick Brusatore, the inventor and co-founder of TERRASPHERE. He pretty much convinced me to join his company. For me, it wasn't a hard decision to make because that technology will save the world and being able to work on a project that would make such a difference in the world we live in was something I had always dreamed of. If you want more info about this new technology, go to my website. You will find a whole section on it. The second reason is that, while I was training for my comeback, my back started hurting again and to me, that's a real red flag. Do I want to risk playing another year or two and end up being paralyzed? I do like hockey, but not to that extent. Health is much more important and the prospect of ending up in a wheelchair did not appeal to me. At the same time, the TERRASPHERE opportunity presented itself and since I’ve always believed everything happens for a reason, the timing was perfect. It was time for me to move on and be part of something that would change the world.
Read the rest of the post here.
Vegetarian Athletes Ready to Run for the Lives of Animals
Philadelphia, Pa., August 18—Team Vegan Philly, a group of vegan and vegetarian
athletes from the Greater Philadelphia region, will be running in the
Philadelphia Marathon for the third year in a row on November 20 and 21.
The group will be raising money for outreach efforts being done by the Humane
League of Philadelphia. Team Vegan Philly also hopes to raise awareness of the
benefits to both animals and people of leading a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.
Members of Team Vegan Philly will run the marathon, half-marathon, or 8K race.
Runners will train through group runs and discuss nutrition tips to prepare for
the races.
“We welcome all runners—from novices to professionals,” says Humane League
Director Nick Cooney. “We’re a group of vegans and vegetarians that want to have
fun running while raising money to benefit the lives of animals.”
The Humane League is a Philadelphia-based non-profit animal protection
organization that strives to create a more compassionate world for animals
through education, campaigns and rescue.
The group is still looking for interested participants to join Team Vegan
Philly. For more information or to register, visit
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Do Animals Return The Favour?
I was alone on the trail that I was re-discovering after a few years away. There is one area that cuts through quite thick pine and the trail gets dark, even on a bright day. I've never seen anything more than a racoon in this area over the 15 years I've lived here. However, there are always rumours about wild cats, bears, wolves and coyotes being spotted.
No one actually photos any of these 'beasts' so it's kind of like the legend of bigfoot. However, it's not impossible that any of these animals could stray down from the north.
So - as I was walking through the woods alone, I began to wonder if the absense of dead animal meat from our vegan systems has any effect on how live animals treat us. It is said that when you are eating meat, you are ingesting their fear and adrenaline. Animals have much stronger senses than us, what if they could sense these things on a meat-eating human?
It would be hard, and possibly dangerous, to do a study on this! But, I have noticed that when I used to run by a dog that was fenced in a yard, I could pretty much predict that exact moment (just after I'd passed) that the dog would start barking hysterically. Now, quite often the dogs don't bark at all.
I realize this theory is out in left field and my sanity may be in question. My question to you, vegan reader, is have you had any threatening experiences with an animal, domestic or wild?
An update - I'm down about three pounds since my last post. The energy is coming back and I'm pretty confident about meeting my goals set in that last post.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Unlike Kirstie Alley - I Promise This Diet Will Stick
After almost 4 years of continuous 12 month per year hockey, 2-4 times per week, I'd had enough and started shedding nights. Three weeks ago, my Sunday night hockey ended for the season and my Friday night hockey that would normally go all year round, ended until September because we can't get enough people out. This is great because, come September when hockey starts up again, I should be back in love with playing the game.
Working out and running have been severely reduced. I have many excuses, of course! Weather, health (colds), high amounts of time spent on other projects...
My eating habits have gotten lazy as well. I can't seem to avoid that extra meal at 10 or 11 at night. I've got into eating a lot of processed food that, even though it's vegan, is simply not good. I haven't been preparing my lunches ahead of time so I'm eating fast food often at lunch. I'm also just beginning to drink more water again. I normally drink a ton of water every day, but with drinking more and more green tea while experiencing reduced physical activity, there were days when I wouldn't drink a single drop of plain cold, fresh agua.
What I've Learned
- Especially over the age of 40, there is no miracle diet (ok, maybe raw veg or fruitarianism...).
- Timing is everything! I know there's some dispute about when and how often you should eat. What works for me is a small breakfast, small lunch, small dinner and nothing whatsoever after dinner. When I go to bed hungry, I'm not starved in the morning, but I find it so much easier to get out of bed and I have so much more energy than if I ate a late snack or meal.
- Green Tea is a prince but water is king! Green tea is full of goodness but it also contains caffeine and is a diuretic. Therefore, if you only drink green tea, you will be in a constant state of dehydration.
- Even 100% whole wheat bread is not for those who want to lose weight! 160 calories for two slices of plain, grocery store whole wheat bread.
- Vegans can get sick, too. I never had a full blown winter cold. Instead, it just seemed to linger and put me at around 80% for what felt like forever.
What I Plan To Do
I promise that I will not be like any of the celebrities that represent Jenny Craig from time to time. Once I have my physical health back on track, I will not fall back! My personal challenge is to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks. This is ever so slightly above the recommended 2 pounds per week but I'm not concerned. Actually, deep down, I want to shed 15 pounds in that time period but to announce that on this blog would be just plain reckless!
How Am I Going To Do It?
- Run every day. Even if it's only 5km, I must become a real runner again.
- Get up earlier each day to have a proper breakfast.
- Get up earlier each day to go for a walk to get the blood moving and boost the metabolism.
- Start each day with a minimum of 16 ounces of water, then keep drinking it all day long.
- No bread, sugar or processed food.
- Portion control.
- Update my progress here to make myself more accountable to this goal.
- Workout on a regular basis again.
Here's The Details
Current weight as of April 19, 2010: 189 pounds.
Goal weight as of May 17, 2010: 179 pounds (secret goal: 174 pounds!)
Running mileage total: 120 km
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Orangeville's Own PETA Star
The original article can be found here at
Of course, as you will see if you read the article, everyone is anti-PETA and all the good this girl is doing is over-shadowed by an opinion that has been planted in people's heads about PETA.
Nevertheless, she is doing a wonderful job following her heart and she looks a great deal better than me naked in the street, painted up as a cat (picture at link above) - not that I'm above doing that...
Friday, April 2, 2010
Dealing with Non-Vegan Family at Easter
"You still off the meat?"
"Anyone bring a head of lettuce for Tom?"
"How does he do it?" (said from one to another as if I wasn't even there) "I'd like to eat healthier, but... Jeez... That's a little extreme!"
I tend to be a little of a smart ass but when it comes to these questions and comments, I try to be an ambassador of the vegan lifestyle. It's hard, but I give short, to the point answers and then change the topic as fast as possible.
I just want to throw it out there to anyone that comes across this post (vegan and non-vegan). Do you find it hard at family gatherings? Are people supportive of your dietary choices? Do people know of your dietary choices (do you fake that you are a meat-eater and pretend to have an upset stomach or something)?
Non-vegans with vegan family members - why are non-vegans so defensive about vegans? It's just a diet! I always sense a little underlying anger - like the allies vs. the nazis; Leafs vs. Canadiens; Christians vs. Muslims; Michigan vs. Michigan State - you get the picture.
Anywho - enjoy your holiday weekend! In Southern Ontario, where the temps have gone up to 20 degrees celcius above normal - for the first time in three years we have to worry about heat exhaustion and it's only the start of April! It makes for a very nice outdoor long weekend.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Being A Fat Vegan Is Possible!
The pickled Vietnamese egg plants are, well... pretty gross. They are a very small type of eggplant that has been pickled with all the innards still in. When you bite into one of these there is an explosion of tiny seeds that fill your mouth and, frankly, feel like bugs. The taste is good but the experience is pretty nasty.
I haven't yet tried the Lotus stems or the rambutan and everything else was just as good this time around as the first time for me.
Being A Vegan Lardass!
I have now put on over 10 pounds since the end of November. I have proved that it is possible for rapid weight gain while on a vegan diet. I attribute this to a drastic reduction in physical activity that is, as we speak, being reversed.
Other than my laziness, I simply blame the Ontario winter. There's not enough snow to do any good workouts like snowshoeing, yet there's enough to make the sidewalks into horrible running tracks.
Anywho, I plan to be sitting 15 pounds lighter as of one month from now. I've started working out and running again and I'm trying to curb the winter hunger and not binge in the evening before bed. It's a tough road when you're on the other side of the 40 mark but I'm determined.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Chinatown Bounty
Starting from the front, the dark prickly thing is a Soursop. Not sure what it tastes like yet, but will be trying it soon.
The brown balls in the yellow mesh bag are Longans. Also called dragon's eyes, Longans are a sweet, opaque, fleshy snack inside a semi-hard shell.
The red guy in the middle is a Dragon Fruit, or Pitahaya. Inside is a tasty white flesh that is somewhat of a mix between a kiwi fruit and a watermelon.
The two fruit on the right are Custard Apples. The scales peel away easily when ripe and the inner flesh is similar in taste and texture to apple custard. There are numerous seeds that make eating this fruit a bit tedious.
The can on the left is full of Rambutan, which is similar to lychee fruit and longans.
The jar in the middle is pickled Vietnamese Eggplant. I haven't tried it yet, but I have a thing for regular pickled eggplant so I should like this just fine.
The jar on the right is full of Lotus Rootlets. I haven't cracked this one open yet either but I've checked out some recipes on-line and things are lookin' good.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A&W Provides A Vegan Alternative (Believe it or Not)
My omnivore wife needed a fast food fix after a long shift at the hospital. Having already eaten dinner, I didn't much care where she wanted to go. When she mentioned A&W, I figured I'd get an order of onion rings for the effort.
I was surprised to see the Swiss Veggie Burger on the menu. We asked the girl at the counter about it and with a grimace, she told us that it was indeed a 'no-meat' product. I got my onion rings that evening but left the burger.
The next day, I made another visit to A&W for lunch and purchased one of these veggie burgers (without the Swiss cheese and ranch dressing, of course). The price is steep at $4.99 CAD. The burger is amazingly small - kind of reminded me of a White Castle burger. The taste was good, though. I subbed my usual ton of ketchup for the light ranch dressing.
I won't be hanging out at the ol' A&W everyday for this product, but it does provide another quick alternative when out and about. The only other fast food restaurant where I could find a veggie burger on the menu (in Canada) was Burger King. Haven't tried them out as we no longer have a Burger King in Orangeville.
Here's the facts from the A&W website:
Swiss Veggie Deluxe
Components :Veggie burger patty, A&W Seasoning, Swiss cheese, wheat bun, light Ranch dressing, pickles, sliced onion, lettuce, tomato
Details : Veggie Burger: Portabello mushroom, water, mushrooms, wheat flour, modified cellulose, onion, textured soy protein, rehydrated textured soy flour, canola oil, butter, isolated soy protein, salt, garlic powder, autolyzed yeast, spice. Seasoned with A&W seasoning.Swiss Cheese: milk, salt, bacterial culture, microbial enzyme. May contain calcium chlorideA&W Seasoning: salt, spices, sugar, dehydrated garlic & onions, corn starch, dextrose, silicon dioxide, whey, flour, colour, maltodextrin, flavour, soybean oil, canola oil, citric acid, sulphitesWheat Bun: enriched wheat flour, water, whole wheat flour, yeast*, cornmeal, vegetable oil (Canola or Soybean), oat flakes, glucose-fructose/sugar, salt, vinegar, caramel colour (contains sulfites), flavour (contains sulfites), calcium propionate, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, sorbic acid.*order may change. May contain traces of milk ingredients, soybean and sesame seeds.Light Ranch Dressing: water, soybean oil, modified milk ingredients, maltodextrin, liquid egg yolk, salt, modified corn starch, flavour, sugar, monosodium glutamate, garlic juice, vinegar, onion juice, phosphoric acid, lactic acid, spices, xanthan gum, polysorbate 60, artificial colour, propylene glycol alginate, potassium sorbate, lemon juice concentrate, calcium disodium EDTA.Pickles: cucumbers, water, white vinegar, salt, calcium chloride, sodium benzoate, seasonings, polysorbate 80, turmeric, tartrazine. May contain potassium sorbate.
Nutrient Contents :
Serving Size (g) :
Calories :
Sugar (g) :
Protein (g) :
Carbohydrates(g) :
Fibre (g) :
Total Fat (g) :
Saturated Fat (g) :
Trans Fat (g)
Cholesterol (mg) :
% Daily Value:
Calcium (%) :
Sodium (mg) :
Iron (%) :
Vitamin A % :
Vitamin C % :
And yes, I do realize that my veggie burger was cooked on the same grill as the rest of their products...
Next up - my latest visit to Chinatown and Kensington Market in Toronto...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Where the Hell Have I Been?
I'm terribly behind in my running, as well. It's only about 6 weeks until the first 26km trail of the season, and I've only put in a handful of runs since December. When I do run though, I'm feeling pretty good and putting in a good pace. I keep somewhat fit with hockey, so I'm not totally couch-potatoing.
I've fully decided that I hate winter. It hasn't even been a bad winter in Ontario - the temps have stayed well above frigid and the snow hasn't piled up. What that all means is that the snowshoes I bought a few years ago are pretty much useless to me.
I'm hopefully off to the Kensington Market / Chinatown area of Toronto this weekend. I'm planning on a shopping spree of odd and unusual fruits and vegetables to try out and write about.
Until next time, keep it vegan y'all!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sugar-Apple: Dessert on a Shrub

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Product Review: Stagg Vegetable Garden Chili
One of those companies is Stagg Foods, manufacturer of the Stagg Chili brand. The company is out of Stockton, California and is for sure available in the United States and Canada. Their vegan product is Vegetable Garden Four Bean Chili. The stuff is tasty, healthy and a bit spicy.
The only questionable ingredient is 'natural butter flavour'. I assume that by the addition of 'flavour' to that ingredient it is some sort of synthetic additive and doesn't actually include dairy. The rest of the ingredients include: water, tomatoes, pink beans, black beans, kidney beans, corn, tomato paste, white beans, chili seasoning, dehydrated onions, dehydrated bell peppers, dehydrated tomatoes, spices and garlic powder.
The stuff is good and convenient. The price is slightly high at $2.99 per 425g can in Canada but still cheaper and healthier than fast food.
For more information, visit the Stagg Foods website.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Animal Liberation Front - Good or Bad?
Despite the scary, terrorist-like name, the ALF believes in the well-being of ALL living beings, including humans. They are a movement based on non-violence. Therefore, any action taken on behalf of the ALF has to be done without harm to human life as well as animal life. For example, freeing test animals from a lab then blowing up that lab while the human staff are still there would be a no-no!
The ALF is a movement without formal leadership or membership. If you care for animals and do what you can to ensure all animals are treated well, then you basically may consider yourself a member of ALF, if it so suits you.
Do visit the ALF website. There is a lot of reading material and most of it is based in the real world. There is some fairly radical stuff, as well, like how to get an attorney and what your rights are when you get arrested for freeing animals or protesting or committing some other crime in the name of freedom.
What gives ALF credibility is the fact that they really aren't extremists. Common sense is preached. Is there a point to freeing livestock from a farm when the animals can't be cared for and the farmer is just going to restock anyway? The best thing to do in that situation is to promote a vegan lifestyle and simply take the market away from the farmer so he stops breeding animals for slaughter.
Like PETA, you may not agree with all ALF has to offer and that is your right as a human being. Like PETA, ALF is a great resource of valuable information.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Is Subway's Vegetarian Vegetable Soup Vegan?
Subway is great because the food is made right in front of you, so you know nothing is being slipped in without you knowing. A fresh whole wheat sub stuffed with raw vegetables is about the healthiest fast food you can get and the price is right.
Subway can be found on every street corner, so you're always within minutes from one of their restaurants. Sure, there is only one real item on their menu for us but, it can be topped in an almost infinite amount of ways. They do offer a vegetable patty, although I've never tried it.
A few weeks ago, my local Subway was advertising Vegetarian Vegetable soup. I was going to try it but couldn't trust there not to be chicken broth or cheese buried somewhere deep inside. The folks at the counter couldn't tell me what the ingredients were so I passed on the soup.
I e-mailed Subway's customer service and received the ingredients to, not only the Vegetarian Vegetable soup, but to all of the soups they offer. Some others were close to vegan, but could only pass as vegetarian. However, the Vegetarian Vegetable is full-fledged vegan.
The official ingredients are as follows:
Vegetarian Vegetable – 11948 – CanadaCarrots, Water, Tomatoes (citric acid, calcium chloride), Tomato Paste,Rehydrated Potatoes (sodium phosphate), Green Beans, Cabbage, Corn, Celery,Peas, Zucchini, Salt, Red Peppers, Sugar, Rehydrated Onions, Modified CornStarch, Onion Powder, Flavour, Vegetable Concentrate(carrots, celery, beets,parsley, lettuce, watercress, spinach), Garlic Powder, Yeast Extract, Spice,Parsley, Citric Acid and Caramel. Allergens: Wheat
Of course, there are some of us that do not take in yeast. In that case, this soup is not for you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
G7 Meets the Seal Hunters
Read here to see what the sideshow will be.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tommy's Restaurant in Cleveland Heights
I had an A.J. Wrap and a Not Dog. An A.J. Wrap is a wheat wrap filled with black bean chili, pickles, brown rice, veggies & lettuce. A Not Dog is a veggie hotdog made with tofu and spices and served on a whole wheat bun. It comes with a great garlicy sauce but I didn’t ask exactly what it was. Both were great.
It was also one of the only places in Cleveland where I didn’t get a strange look when asking for Green Tea.
It was a great restaurant and it lived up to all my expectations. The little neighbourhood it was located in kind of reminded me of Kensington Market in Toronto. They have a little give shop with clothing items. I was hoping they would have had a recipe book, but it wasn’t to be.
Check out their website for a detailed menu and history of the restaurant.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Nasty Post Comments - Love It!
I'm a huge proponent of freedom of speech, but if your only reply to something you feel strongly against is 'FU' and then you refuse to put your name behind it, you don't deserve to have your words heard. I don't moderate my comments initially because I think it's pompous. However...
I thought about it for a while, and I would have let the comment stand as is, if only the person who'd left it had left a name. It didn't even have to be a real name. God knows, the internet is anonymous even when it doesn't seem to be.
So, if you left the comment and have come back to see my reaction to it, leave it again with your name and maybe add an intelligent reason why. Habs fan? Creepy figure skater guy fan? Maybe, it was Johnny Weir himself!
Anyway, not offended here. On the contrary, actually. I, like any blogger, am like a dog and consider any attention good attention. So, keep smacking my nose and making me stay out in the cold back yard too long!
I'm sitting at the Skyline Hotel in Independence, Ohio. Actually, I'm by the indoor pool just kicking back and having a couple Millers. The thing I love about the USA is the fact that they are mature enough to not bother with someone having a few beers outside the 'designated drinking area' - are you listening Tight Ass Canadian Government? Oh, and 30 beers here still costs $15 when we're paying close to $50 for 24, if not more in some cases in Canada. Can you say tax overkill?
I had my first real Boca Burger today at, of all places, Denny's. Not bad stuff, however, I could tell which one was mine before it hit the table due to the perfectly flat shape.
Ciao for now! Habs, you suck! Weir, you suck! Anonymous, FU too! Vegans, keep on keepin' on!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Figure Skater Needs Dead Animal Fur To Win Gold
He has changed his mind after receiving international media pressure. Read the latest story here. He will wear 'faux fur' on his costume. But, he admits that he made the change so that 'some silly costume' wouldn't affect his training for the Olympic games. He stresses that animal rights activists have not won and that he still would rather be wearing his pretty fur outfit.
Long a target of PETA and other animal rights groups for his fashion sense, Mr. Weir just won't back down from what he believes in. You know, Johnny, it is a sport that you're competing in and not a fashion show. Just be a great figure skater and you won't have to worry about how much of a circus act you're being.
Well, Johnny Weir, you've made my burn-in-hell list and you're right next to the Montreal Canadiens (click on the team name to find out why they've made the list). May you fall on your pretty face.
Also in the news...
Dog fighting has made a comeback in Afghanistan. Hurray! The human killing is down so the bloodshed must come from another source. Why not the age-old pastime of dog fighting? Read all the good news here.
I've been pretty cranky lately and this activist alter-ego seems to be slipping out. I'm off to Cleveland, Ohio for a four day weekend and plan to visit some of the city's finer vegan restaurants. I promise not to be such a grump for the next post!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Turtle Jacks and Other Stuff
Typical of that style restaurant, Turtle Jacks has little to offer the vegan. However, if you find yourself there with a group of carnivores, there are some alternatives to get you through. The most highly recommended item on the menu for vegans is the Veggie Great Noodle Bowl.
Sautéed chow mein noodles tossed with Napa cabbage, bok choy, red pepper & julienne vegetables, finished with green onions & sesame seeds. Choice of Red Thai Chili or Sweet Teriyaki sauce. This dish is pretty darn good and quite filling.
Unlike a lot of roadhouse style restaurants, Turtle Jacks does offer the substitution of a veggie burger for any of their regular burgers. There is an additional cost of 99 cents which is bullshit because the cost of the actual paddy is most likely no more expensive for them to buy. Welcome to the world of veganism.
Do not try the deep fried dill pickles. It is one of the only appetizers that can be considered vegan (not sure what might be in the batter, though). For $9, you basically get one and a half pickles in a bland batter.
Am I from Mexico?
I get this often. No, I am from Canada. My e-mail address is from Yahoo Mexico and has the .mx extension on it. The reason for this stems back to my interest in learning foreign languages. A few years back, I kept sending for travel information from Spanish speaking countries and would ask for the material to be sent in Spanish. No matter what, I was always sent the English versions.
I got the bright idea to get an e-mail address from within a Spanish speaking country. It worked. Everything I received was in Spanish. Plus, I had the added learning opportunity from having to navigate Yahoo and the e-mail page in Spanish. When I started this blog, I decided to use that e-mail account as my contact e-mail because it was the least used of my e-mail collection. That e-mail, by the way, is if you feel inclined to get in touch.
Finally, a recipe...
This is a little something out of Southern Spain called Wrinkled Potatoes with Red Sauce.
· 2 lb of walnut sized new potatoes
· 2 TBSP of salt
· 4 garlic cloves peeled
· 1 TSP cumin
· 1 TSP paprika
· Pinch of dried thyme
· ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
· 2 TSP red wine vinegar
· Make the sauce first as it has to cool thoroughly before use. Mince the garlic. Add the cumin, paprika and thyme to the garlic.
· Slowly add the oil to the garlic, drop by drop, stirring all the time and adding the vinegar at intervals. When all the oil and vinegar is used up, transfer the sauce to a serving bowl and add about ¼ cup of warm water to make a thin sauce. Stir well and set aside until required.
· Wash the potatoes thoroughly but leave the skin on. Put them on to boil with just enough water to cover them, leaving the lid off so that the water evaporates.
· When the water has almost gone, throw in the salt, which will form a crust on the skins. Let the water boil away over low heat, watching carefully. When is has all evaporated, leave the heat on for about 30 seconds or so to dry the potatoes thoroughly and to get a wrinkled effect. Shake the pan a little if they threaten to burn.
· Serve the potatoes in individual dishes. Spear the potatoes with a fork and dip in the sauce.
Check out these previous posts:
Some Long Lost Far East Recipes
How To Peel An Avocado
Avatar: Why Aren’t The Na’vi Vegan?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Club Seals, Get Pie In Face
To top it off, she was the victim of a PETA pie in the face. Click here for the full news article. Should the person who performed the pie in the face be charged? Of course. That’s the cost of being an activist – you disturb the peace, you get your cause heard, you pay the price. Should that person be considered a terrorist? Not on your life.
Standing up for what you believe in is not terrorism. However, there are those in the communist government of Canada that believe that this was indeed an act of terrorism and the person who sacrificed the tasty tofu cream pie in the name of defenceless baby seals should be charged as such.
Wow! The Marx brothers and the Three Stooges would be screwed! If this is the case, though, aren’t soldiers from the west imposing their beliefs on the people of Iraq and Afganistan terrorists? They are not necessarily invited into those countries by the majority of the people and they are imposing beliefs that aren’t shared by the majority of the people.
Come on. Give it a break. A pie in the face is just a pie in the face. It’s not like a shoe was thrown in someone’s general direction. Would you rather gunfire? No, you would rather people stifle what they believe in and sit in a corner and with their mouths shut.
Gail Shea, take a taste of the pie and enjoy it then think about why the person did what they did. There has to be a pretty good reason why someone would feel so strongly about an issue to come from another country and risk incarceration to try and get their point across. See the world through other people’s eyes before judging them.
By the way, I’ve never tried Tofu Cream Pie. If anyone has a good recipe, let me know. And, I hope my ‘radical views’ on this subject won’t affect my upcoming trip across the border to the USA this weekend...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Some Long Lost Far East Recipes
The books were actually pretty decent, especially for the price. Each different culture would have a really informative write-up followed by several recipes. I started going through these again recently after not seeing them for many years. The book based on recipes from Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia actually has some good vegan recipes. I’m going to share those with you today, assuming that something I bought in a dollar store 15 years ago won’t bring on copyright lawyers.
Korean Pickled Cucumber
· 3 large cucumbers
· 1 ½ TBSP salt
· 1 green onion
· ½ garlic clove, finely chopped
· TSP of hot pepper sauce
· Wash the cucumbers but do not peel them. Cut them into 4cm long pieces. Cut each piece in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds. Sprinkle 1 TBSP of salt over the cut surface of the cucumbers. Leave to stand for 15 minutes.
· Cut the green onion into 4cm lengths and slice each piece finely. Wash the salt off the cucumber and put them in an earthware bowl. Add the green onion, garlic, hot pepper sauce and the remaining salt and 150ml of water. Mix well and leave to mature. This will take about 2 days in a warm room or about a week in a cold room. Once mature, store in the refrigerator.
Yellow Rice in Coconut Milk
· 350g long-grain rice
· 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
· 1 TSP Turmeric
· 2 ½ cups thick coconut milk
· 1 TSP salt
· 1 bay leaf
· Soak the rice in cold water for 1 hour, the rinse and drain.
· Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add the rice and sauté for 1-2 minutes.
· Stir in the turmeric and sauté the rice for a further 1 minute.
· Add the coconut milk, salt and bay leaf and boil over medium heat until the rice has absorbed all the liquid, about 10 minutes. Lower the heat, cover the pan tightly, and cook for a further 10 minutes. Or, if you are worried about the rice sticking, put it into a steamer and steam for 10 minutes.
· When the rice is cooked, discard the bay leaf, pile the rice into a serving dish and serve hot.
Seoul Spinach Soup (beef strips eliminated)
· 2 green onions, chopped
· 1 clove garlic, chopped
· 5 TBSP soy sauce
· 1 TSP salt
· 1 TSP black pepper
· 1 TBSP sesame seed
· 1 LB spinach, washed, trimmed and shredded
· Put green onion, garlic, soy sauce, salt and pepper into a large saucepan and mix well. Cook over medium high heat for a few minutes until the onion is cooked but not burned.
· Add 9 cups of water and simmer gently for a few minutes. Add the sesame seeds and continue cooking for 35 minutes.
· Just before serving, add the shredded spinach. Simmer until tender, 2-5 minutes.
Hopefully, you find these to be tasty...
On a side note...
My NHL hockey views have changed and the Montreal Canadiens are on my ‘burn-in-hell’ list. Fellow vegan, Georges Laraque has been released from the team. The team did it with absolutely no class and were basically insulting to him at the press conference. To make matters much, much worse, despite being born in Canada, Georges’ family is from Haiti. There are still several members of his family in Haiti unaccounted for. Visit Georges’ blog for more information on the great charity work he does and what you can do to help Haiti.
Good vibes go out to those who are still missing, not just relatives of Georges – may they be still found alive and go on to rebuild that beautiful country.
Montreal Canadiens – sorry you get no good vibes. Burn in hell and here’s hoping that you don’t win another game this season.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How To Peel An Avocado
I also forgot a spoon to scoop out the goods when it came time for my avocado break. I was just about to go find a disposable plastic spoon when my co-worker told me there was no need. My co-worker is educated in the culinary arts and spent several years in the kitchens of resorts in Italy and Western Canada and is still a disappointment to me that she decided to give up her dream to work at a boring car dealership.
Anyway, all I needed was my paring knife to get the job done. I simply had to slice the avocado in half, length-wise as usual. She even had an easier way of popping out the pit but she felt I needed a ‘real’ knife for that. I had to pop out the pit the old fashioned way.
Now, I just needed to lay the halves on the counter, on a sheet of paper towel, and cut the flesh length-wise around 4 times using the tip of the knife. It wasn’t necessary to cut through the skin, however, I found it even easier to peel if the cut did go through.
Once the flesh was cut in lengths, all I had to do was take the avocado and fold it backwards. The skin just peeled away from the flesh – kind of in the manner than orange skin peels away from an orange when it’s cut in slices.
The great thing was that there was no bent spoon handle and not much of a mess on the fingers. This may not be a new concept to many people out there but it was to me and with my love of avocado, this technique is invaluable. For those who already knew, why have you kept it a secret?
Other avocado related posts you may enjoy:
Easy Hot Lunch For Vegans On The Go
Meet Ricardo!
Peeing Red And Other Great Things About Beets
Raw Fruit Fast - Final Update
I had nothing in the tank and my heart was pounding. Not only that, my head was pretty spacy. It reminded me too much of the feeling I get when I donate blood. We only had one sub per side and got a good hour and half of hockey in - dreamlike conditions for me - but I was going off more than my share of the time. By this morning, I was getting light-headed from just standing up and my resting pulse was higher than normal.
I still received very positive results as far as weight loss, dropping four pounds in two days. This has put me in second place for the biggest loser contest at work... Also gone is the stomach bloat that I was living with for the past little while. I forgot to mention yesterday that on my run last night, my pace was the fastest since November despite the fact that I thought I was dogging it.
However, the lesson learned is that this might be a great fast to take on when you know you're going to be fairly inactive for a few days. I do see the benefit of even going just one day raw. In fact, I think it would be a good plan to do this once per week.
I must mention that what I had for lunch today was spectacular. Quiznos pulls off a great veggie sub. Most restaurants think that what will satisfy a veg custumer is sliced veggies on a bun. Quiznos steps it up a notch by putting guacamole on it. They also 'get it' when you ask for 'no cheese'. Those at Subway look at you like you're the strangest being when you exclude the cheese.
So what did I learn out of all this? Going raw is good. However, for me, going raw is not a full-time gig. I remember reading a bit of Tony Robbins' wisdom that you should start your day off with fresh fruit and try and go as long as you can before breaking. Not a bad idea. If you can eat just fruit until lunch, I think the health benefits will kick ass.
One other thing which is certainly worth noting. I wrote yesterday that I kept hydrated for pretty much 36 hours on fruit alone. This came severely to and end this morning. I just couldn't catch up by eating fruit alone and found myself quite dehydrated.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Raw Fruit Fast - Halfway Update
I still have hockey and will be, obviously, taking a water bottle on the bench. I have shown zero signs of dehydration, so far. The only thing that seems to be negative is a dull headache that seems to be following me around. I read that that would be one of the symptoms of raw fruit fasting, as well.
I do believe on Tuesday, after 10am, I will revert back to a plain old vegan diet with cooked veggies for at least one day. It’s more of an economic situation than anything else. I have a fridge full of veggies that will be past the point of eating raw and will need to be cooked or wasted.
I have a completely new fascination with raw avocado. I love the stuff cooked or raw and mixed with umpteen other veggies. On its own, avocado is just damn delicious.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Raw Fruit Fasting - First Attempt
I was originally going to just do it for the day on Sunday. I changed my mind and decided to start today and end Monday morning. After doing some more reading on the subject this morning, I decided to extend the fast until Tuesday morning. Three days is the recommended length of time for someone trying this for the first time.
I woke up this morning weighing 178 pounds. At 4:00pm, that weight had been maintained. What has amounted to a beans, rice and potato diet over the last few weeks has left my stomach feeling like a beach ball and sounding like a bongo. I’m hoping that this is one other thing that will change over the next few days.
I stopped at the grocery store after work and an arena visit. I stocked up on Granny Smith apples, Red Delicious apples, Red pears, Bosc pears, Avocados, Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Coconut and Navel oranges. It only cost $23 including tax and I was pretty much able to fill the fridge. It still amazes me how relatively inexpensive a vegan diet is. Yet, I still get the comment all the time that it must cost so much to have a diet like mine.
Looking ahead to Tuesday, if all goes well (and I know it will) I plan to continue on raw but with veggies added in. I would like to go right around and back to Saturday morning. I’m so curious of what the physical and mental effects will be. There are so many conflicting opinions of a raw diet and I guess you only really know if you try it how it’s going to work for you.
On Tuesday, I do plan on re-starting my green tea habit, so I won’t be totally raw! I will continue to run and play hockey as usual. Actually, I hope to run a lot more than I have been. The running gods have finally blessed Orangeville with a prolonged winter warm spell with temps hovering just above the freezing mark. This has allowed for the roads and sidewalks to rid themselves of most of the snow and ice.
On a totally unrelated note...
Can you believe that a grown woman gave my 13 year old son the finger today at hockey?! This woman does have a history in town of being quite a bitch. It was at the hockey rink and her son’s team was playing against my son’s. Apparently my son looked through the glass along the boards to see this lovely lady giving him the middle finger!
Even less related...
If anyone out there is interested in OHL hockey or hockey in general, I’ve launched a new blog that follows graduates of the world’s greatest junior league as they make their way through the professional ranks around the world. It’s long been an obsession of mine and partly due to my horoscope in a cheesy movie magazine, the site was born January 11. OHL Alumni Central will hopefully be a hit but hopefully will never take me away from writing on this lovely blog. After all, what would the 3 or so readers do???
You may want to check out these earlier posts:
August 2009 Personal Challenges
Follow My Running At
Associated Content Article – Weight Loss Strategy That Works
Friday, January 15, 2010
Water Intoxication - Yikes!
I started looking around at what sort of achievements had been reached when it came to power water drinking. Hell, I might even be looking at a world record!
Thankfully, I did do some research. It seems that people die from drinking too much water. A little known condition called water intoxication can result in death if too much water is ingested too fast. Now, that is strange indeed.
It turns out that the kidneys can only process about 1 litre of fluid per hour. Consuming too much water too fast can force your blood to become more dilute with low sodium concentrations. The sodium concentration in your blood becomes lower than the concentration in your cells. The water moves from the blood to the cells causing them to swell.
The killer is that your brain swells with the resulting pressure causing headaches and loss of functions such as breathing. Without breathing, we are quite challenged to survive! Thus, possibly resulting in death.
This is more apt to affect the elderly, babies, those having an operation and those participating in extreme physical challenges (marathon running on a hot day). Apparently, water intoxication is a risk for those on the drug ecstasy. The drug makes the user incredibly thirsty and they literally drink themselves to death.
Andy Warhol is perhaps the most famous person to die of apparent water intoxication. He was in for a routine procedure and was fed too much water intravenously.
After putting the fear into everyone, it is quite unlikely that this will ever be a problem for you. It is said that the fear of water intoxication will probably kill more people by driving them to dehydration!
The plan now for Saturday evening until Monday morning is a fruit only fast. I still do not see myself joining the Fruitarians, but I have a huge curiosity about what the short term effects of a fruit only diet will be. I’m even going to give up my coveted green tea for the duration. Supposedly, I won’t even need to drink any water because I will get sufficient amounts from all the raw fruit I’ll be eating. However, I will have a water bottle on the bench when I play hockey on Sunday night.
I’ve been feeling the winter blahs pretty bad this year and I need to get out of the funk I’m in and take off a few of the X-mas pounds. My goal is to do something drastic to kick start a change and bring back the energy. I’ll let you know how it goes in as much detail as possible.
Other posts you may enjoy:
Fruitarians, Canadian Communists and the Biggest Loser
24-Hour Fasting
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Eating Still Living Animals Is Funny And Cool
I’m sure that not all people from China believe that killing an animal for just its fin, or paw, or internal organs is a justified act that will make them more viral, strong and powerful. But, the numbers are there. The world focuses on the human rights issues in the most populous country in the world. Why do the world’s mega-powers seem to cover their eyes and plug their ears whenever the eating of live monkey brains or skinning animals live for their furs is mentioned?
The film that has been making its rounds among the animal lovers and vegans throughout the world is a short video of people from China enjoying a lovely meal of still living fish. This is quite simply disgusting. Yet, just like the over-hunting of sharks simply for a small fraction of their body that will make a Chinese man’s penis larger, or something to that effect, the world ignores the atrocities.
It’s all about money. The west wants China’s money and they’ll throw morals and beliefs out the door to get it. Isn’t that what the world is all about, though? Isn’t that why North Americans are dying, fighting a war in the middle east that doesn’t really exist while people in Africa are killed off in masses and left to starve to death on their own?
What would you do if you walked in on people feeding on a living, breathing being? Would you pretend it wasn’t happening? Would you walk away believing ‘out of sight, out of mind’? Would you resort to violence against the ones committing the crime? Would you speak your mind, knowing that your opinion will be met with ridicule?
The way I see it, there are two viable options out of those I gave. You need to take action. You have a responsibility as a human being and as a vegan. You could resort to violence and give the human monsters a taste of their own medicine. You would be no better off than those people by doing this, though.
Ghandi promoted non-violence. This doesn’t mean that Ghandi was a pussy. He fought for everything he believed in, in every possible way except for resorting to violence. Which leaves the only choice being to walk right up to anyway committing atrocities to innocent animals and boldly tell them that what they are doing is flat out wrong.
The video is attached. It is your choice to watch it or not. I believe people need to see that the human race still has a long way to go before becoming civilized.
Check out these other great posts:
Meatless Chicken Breast - Vegan Sellout?
Peta Is Too Darn Extreme
Humans Were Meant To Eat Meat
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Avatar: Why Aren't The Na'vi Vegan?
How could a species be so in touch with the nature around them, yet construct weapons that are not meant for self defence but to kill those other beings that they share the land with? Just like human beings, they cannot kill without the aid of constructed weapons. Therefore, like humans, they are not meant to kill animals for food.
Just like humans, they lack claws or talons and have undeveloped canine teeth. Just like humans, they cannot kill with just their bodies alone. So, it seems that the Na’vi may not be so in touch with nature as it seems. They have to ‘break’ their animal ‘friends’ before they can use them as beasts of burden. Just like humans, they believe that killing is okay as long as it is quick and humane and they feel a token amount of remorse after the deed is done.
James Cameron, you are indeed a savage. Providing all that fish food in ‘Titanic’ does not justify all the savagery in ‘Avatar’.
But, you did get some good points across, such as it is wrong to take from defenceless civilizations to satisfy your greed and overindulgence. Sorry to all of us in North America, but the stab is at us. We ‘relocated’ the natives for the ‘greater good’ and pretty much destroyed a beautiful and harmonious people. We pick and choose who we’re going to defend from bullies in this world simply by what natural resources that country has to offer. No oil? Sorry, can’t help. You’re going to have to fight for yourself. Got oil? We’re on our way – but you have to let us move in and you have to adopt our beliefs and religions.
Am I going a little ‘PETA’ here? Ya. There was only one scene where an animal was hunted and killed. It was an incredible movie, especially in 3D. Everyone should see it. The computer generated effects and scenery are amazing.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Peeing Red And Other Great Things About Beets
Beets are full of betaine which promotes a healthy liver. A healthy liver breaks down fats in a more efficient manner therefore aiding weight loss and preventing fatigue and nausea. A healthy liver also is more capable of ridding the body of alcohol – possibly why beets are so popular in Eastern Europe (zing!).
Beets are chock full of antioxidants that rid the body of nasty free radicals. Beets are especially thought to be quite useful in the prevention of lung and skin cancer.
Speaking of lungs, beets are exceptionally helpful when it comes to cardio-vascular health. Therefore, all of us runners should be on the beets at least once per week, if not more.
Beets are also a great source of calcium, magnesium and potassium with a spot of vitamin C added in for good measure. When you use the greens, as well, the calcium amount goes through the roof. Boiled beet root and beet greens are great on their own and make a great compliment to any meal.
Now, to the fun part. Beeturia. Some may find it gross. But, peeing red is pretty darn cool! It sometimes can take overnight for the effects of the beet dye to reach the bladder. Don’t forget in the morning that you had beets the night before! The red urine could be quite a scare if you think it really is blood and not the natural dye of the food you ate for dinner.
Beeturia doesn’t affect everyone the same, but eat enough beets and you’ll be seeing red. It’s a great party joke and probably a really good prank to pull in the dressing room shower after the hockey or football game (not that I would ever do this or condone doing this...).
In other news...
Ricardo has not sprouted yet. My avocado project that I mentioned in this earlier post, is still waiting to spread its wings. Ricardo is looking a little shrivelled and possibly water-logged. I hope this is a good sign.
I’m very disappointed in myself. I missed a chance to trip down to Toronto and run around on the subway in my gitch. This last Saturday was apparently ‘ride the subway in your underwear day’ or something like that. I’m not even sure what the cause was if any, but missing a chance to walk around half naked in one of the largest cities in the world is a major letdown. There’s always next year...
Check out these other great posts:
In The Beginning...
Book Review: The Man Who Swam The Amazon
Uh Oh! Does The Beer You Drink Contain Animal Products?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Seasonal Affective Disorder: It's Really SAD
The symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, difficulty getting out of bed and a craving for sweets. Is a vegan more or less likely to be affected by SAD? No. In fact, with a more nutritional diet and a more active lifestyle, vegans would tend to be affected less. However, if one is affected, the symptoms might lead one to believe that something is wrong with the diet itself.
Being lethargic, having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, wanting to sleep early at night and having cravings of any kind would at times suggest that there is a lack of nutrition in the system and/or an imbalanced diet. This could lead someone to come to the conclusion that just maybe the missing key to the puzzle is meat.
Stick to your guns. This could be no further from the truth. SAD has really nothing to do with diet and all to do with the amount of sunlight and how it affects the chemicals in the brain. The best thing to do with the winter blues is keep up your great vegan diet and get outside as much as possible.
Artificial therapy is based on using light treatment. A light box can be had for $250 - $500 that can simulate much needed sunlight. Interestingly enough, studies have shown that light might not need to enter through the retina to be effective. In one study, the light was isolated to the back of the knee which is the dark side of the moon that is the human body, and positive results were attained.
St. Johns wort has been suggested as an herbal remedy but is still in the research stage. One of the problems with the herb is that it increases sensitivity to light so would counteract the benefits someone is receiving from a light box.
What does it all mean? There is a logical reason why you feel crappy in December and January. You are not alone when you have to forcibly drag yourself out of bed each and every morning during the winter months regardless of how much sleep you’ve had. And, my favourite... it is normal to want to skip that run or workout when it’s dark at five in the afternoon and the temperature is hovering around -10.
Just remember, February follows January and March follows February and spring and summer always, always, always come around each and every year.
Here are some other posts you may enjoy:
Importance of Zinc in the Diet and Other Updates
Coconut in Your Diet
The Many Benefits of Hot Peppers
Friday, January 8, 2010
2009-10 NHL Prediction Update - Halftime
12 out of 30 teams is pretty darn close to 50%. I believe at the three quarters point, I will be at 50% and by the season finale, I will be at 67%. In today’s NHL, there is hardly any room between first and last. Things can change overnight and those teams that were flying high can falter and the bottom feeders can pick up steam like a runaway locomotive.
Here’s how the picture looks, so far. The teams are listed in their current position with my predicted position in brackets.
Atlantic Division
1. New Jersey Devils (3)
2. Pittsburgh Penguins (2)
3. New York Rangers (5)
4. New York Islanders (4)
5. Philadelphia Flyers (1)
The Flyers have shown signs of getting out of the funk they’ve been in and are only mere points from third place. The Devils are running away with it right now but once Marty Brodeur gets tired out from playing for Canada in the Olympics, they should drop back down to Earth. Rangers suck! Not sure how they’re doing it.
Southeast Division
1. Washington Capitals (1)
2. Atlanta Thrashers (5)
3. Tampa Bay Lightning (3)
4. Florida Panthers (4)
5. Carolina Hurricanes (2)
Washington will have to completely collapse to lose their position in first. The Hurricanes seem to be a lost cause. With the other three basically in a dead heat, Tampa and Florida just have to slip ahead of Atlanta to make me look good.
Northeast Division
1. Buffalo Sabres (4)
2. Boston Bruins (2)
3. Ottawa Senators (3)
4. Montreal Canadiens (1)
5. Toronto Maple Leafs (5)
Buffalo just might be for real. Montreal just can’t get it together, as usual. When will I ever learn to not have faith in anything out of Montreal? Toronto has no hope of leaving the basement, which is good. Ottawa just needs to stay the course.
Central Division
1. Chicago Blackhawks (1)
2. Nashville Predators (5)
3. Detroit Red Wings (4)
4. St. Louis Blues (3)
5. Columbus Blue Jackets (2)
Chicago has 10 points on the Preds which should be somewhat insurmountable considering the talent the team has. Nashville is a team full of misfits that couldn’t make it anywhere else. The lack of spotlight might be just what’s making that team click. Columbus is such a huge disappointment for me again this season.
Pacific Division
1. San Jose Sharks (2)
2. Phoenix Coyotes (5)
3. Los Angeles Kings (3)
4. Dallas Stars (4)
5. Anaheim Ducks (1)
It appears that Wayne Gretzky is not the hockey coach, GM and owner that his incredible playing ability would make him. Once Wayne was railroaded out of the desert, the team started playing hockey. 3 out of 5 is pretty good and I might just have to settle for that since the Ducks moving from 5th to 1st might shake up the division so bad that they’d be the only team in the right position in the end.
Northwest Division
1. Calgary Flames (1)
2. Colorado Avalanche (5)
3. Vancouver Canucks (2)
4. Minnesota Wild (4)
5. Edmonton Oilers (3)
Add Edmonton to Columbus and Montreal as the biggest losers of the season. All three are so darn good at hiding behind excuses when they disappoint season after season. Colorado, Calgary and Vancouver are separated by a total of two points – this one can be won by anyone.
That’s it for Pro hockey for a month or two. Back to being a vegan athlete. As with last January, I’m struggling with constant tiredness, difficulty getting out of bed and a tad bit of obsession with the sweets. It turns out these are prime symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Next post, I’m going to dwell into the research I’ve been doing on the topic and what can be done to get rid of it.
In the meantime, here are some of my previous posts on hockey that you might want to check out:
My NHL Predictions For 2009-10
Ten Commandments Of Shinny Hockey
2009-10 NHL Prediction Update
Bravo Georges Laraque!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Fruitarians, Canadian Communists and the Biggest Loser
Bravo, if they feel this is the diet and lifestyle for them. I think it would work. I think the nutrition would be there. Living in a cold weather climate, I just don’t think it would be the diet for me. I need cooked food on a cold winter’s night. I don’t think this makes me weak – it’s just the way I am.
However, I get a sense that the Fruitarians are a little militant towards the rest of us savage vegans. They feel that eating vegetables is a form of killing because you kill the plant to harvest it and need to re-plant from seed to see the next harvest. Whereas, a fruit tree just keeps on giving – despite the fact that it is their ‘unborn fetus’ that’s being eaten. In some parts, this is also considered murder...
Because of the communist government of Ontario/Canada, I am no longer able to drink my green tea from an open mug while in the workplace. I must have a covered cup at all times just in case a flying drop of automotive chemical comes flying from the garage and into the parts department and drops right in my mug and then I drink it and die. As you can tell, the company I work for was audited by the Ministry of Labour this week.
I must also drag out the steel toe shoes – tolerable. They will be removing the vending machines that are located in the garage area. Apparently, despite the fact that all products in the machines are sealed and the machines themselves are sealed, there is still a possibility that the products could become contaminated – possibly by cancer-causing brake dust that could infiltrate the tightly secured machine. Brake dust that we’re breathing in every minute of the day anyway.
I understand the government’s intentions and for the most part they are good intentions. However, I don’t know if a world where we all live to be 120 years old is that great if we have so many regulations that we can’t truly live. Besides, is a government that makes most of its money through selling alcohol, tobacco and gambling products back to its own people, really that concerned with health and safety??
Every day, Fidel and Cuba look more and more like the ideal society. Don’t back down, Cuba.
And then...
I was sort of duped into signing up for a ‘Biggest Loser’ contest at work. I thought it was a one-time shot over a short period of time. That would have been perfect for me as I’ve got a few X-mas pounds I need to shed in addition to the extra 10 or so pounds I’d like to get rid of before the running season is full swing.
Turns out, it’s $20 per month to enter over the next 6 months with only one grand prize winner in the end. There are a few other participants with a lot more available potential than myself. However, there aren’t many with an equal diet and will power. It turns out to be $1200 if everyone keeps playing. Man, I could use $1200! I’d definitely be going to visit Fidel in Cuba on that kind of coin – that’s $1199.99 more than I make writing this blog...
Coming up very soon is my halfway NHL prediction report. I don’t think I’m doing that great but I haven’t really been following the standings much. The NHL is just about to go into a hiatus as the Winter Olympics begin. On that note, I’d like to piss off my fellow countrymen by saying that it will be Russia – Sweden – Canada getting the gold, silver and bronze in Men’s Ice Hockey. Sorry Canada, you’ve picked a questionable team and will not win. However, the women will win gold...
Check out these previous posts:
The Nine Benefits Of Green Tea
Kensington Market – The Vegan Mecca
Bravo, Georges Laraque!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Easy Hot Lunch For Vegans On The Go
- 1 tomato, diced
- 1 avocado, diced
- 1/2 celery stick, diced
- 2-3 heaping TBSP of diced onion (preferably red onion)
- 3 mushrooms, chopped
- 1 large clove of garlic, minced
- bread, toasted
- 3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
- mustard (optional)
Your avocado should have skin that's going brown and is a little soft to the touch. However, we're not making a raw guacamole, so it can be a little less ripe. As long as it's easy to remove the pit and scoop the flesh from the skin, we're all set.
In a small mixing bowl, dice up the avocado flesh as small as you can. Dice up the tomato, celery, onion and add to the mix as well as the chopped mushroom. Using a good garlic mincer, crush the clove on top of the rest of the mix. No need to mix everything together - the frying process will take care of that.
Put your frying pan on medium heat. When it has heated up sufficiently, add the olive oil then the vegetable mix. Even with a non-stick pan and olive oil, the avocado will have a tendency to stick to the pan. Be sure to mix often to reduce the sticking.
In the meantime, prepare your toast. There is enough in the pan to make two very thick sandwiches or four thinner ones.
When the mix starts to show signs of charring and the avocado is mushy, the cooking is done. Spoon the mix onto the toast. I add mustard but you can add (or not add) any condiment you want. I'm sure a nice hummus would make a great spread for the sandwich.
This would make a great filling for a pita pocket or wrap. In fact, try it as filler next time you have vegan taco night.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2010 Running Race Schedule
Despite the brutally cold temperatures outside (-15 celcius during the day, not counting the windchill) which are low enough to warrant a cold weather alert in Toronto, I must begin my running training for the upcoming season. I’m completely off the pavement this year. I’m planning on entering all 8 Ontario Trail Series races as well as 4 of 5 of the 5 Peaks Trail series. There is one conflict where there are two races on the same day. I may change plans and go in all 5 of the 5 Peaks races and 7 of 8 of the Ontario Trail Series.
I’m also planning to apply to the lottery for entry into the 2010 New York City Marathon. It occurs on November 7, 2010 and is quite expensive, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime runner’s opportunity. It’s rare to get in on the first try but on the 4th try, you’re guaranteed. Might as well start now and plan on being in the 2014 race.
There is still an outside chance that I will go in the Round The Bay 30k in Hamilton, Ontario at the end of March. It’ll depend on my conditioning. The first race of the Ontario Trail Series is just a couple weeks after...
Here’s the planned sched as it stands now (all races fall on a Saturday):
April 17 – Seaton Trail 26k in Pickering – OTS
April 24 – Dundas Valley – distance tbd – 5 Peaks
May 1 – Pick Your Poison 25k in Orillia – OTS
May 29 – Sulphur Springs 25k in Dundas – OTS
June 12 – Durham Regional Forest 12.3k – 5 Peaks
July 3 – Creemore Vertical Challenge 25k – OTS
July 10 – Rattlesnake Point 12.7k – 5 Peaks
August 7 – Dirty Girls 30k in Mansfield – OTS
August 21 – Terra Cotta Conservation Area – distance tbd – 5 Peaks
August 21 – Iroquoia Trail Test 32k in Kilbride – OTS
September 11 – Haliburton Forest 25k in West Guilford – OTS
October 9 – Albion Hills Conservation Area 21k – 5 Peaks
October 16 – Vulture Bait 25k in London – OTS